Recent users of Ping Jockey Central

The following users have been seen using this page during the past 30 minutes. Update time shown is when they last posted a message to the Ping Jockey Central page and is in GMT.
20 users recorded.
CallsignLocatorNameLast PostingkmsmilesBearing
K9DJTEN63bjGary27-Jul 10:36:49
WA2FZW/6M/2MFN20tpJohn27-Jul 10:36:30
NO3IEN90uwBob27-Jul 10:28:42
W5EME/6/2/222EM32aiRick27-Jul 10:24:03
N0AN/6/700EN22xcHasan27-Jul 10:09:51
N8KHEL98qbKen27-Jul 10:08:47
KQ4BBCEM95llErich27-Jul 10:02:02
W4IMDEM84abPeter27-Jul 09:58:04
XE2ORDL98okRafa27-Jul 03:49:12
W5EMEEM32aiRick26-Jul 11:26:54
KC3BVLFM29jwJim26-Jul 10:53:34
NX7UFN20qoScott24-Jul 11:52:45
KF2ZQFN30huScott22-Jul 12:57:30
W7OUU/6/2/KWDN22snJim21-Jul 13:55:06
KO9AEN52xcJim18-Jul 03:13:09
K8SDEN52llBarry14-Jul 16:17:44
N2XKFN20naFred17-Jun 09:24:07
N2CJFN30axGlenn7-May 04:23:41
WX9MEN54flRick15-Dec 15:56:51
K9ANEN50wcSteve4-Mar 16:04:40
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