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13Aug 04:10 he said will be up till midnight	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:08 do you have clear shot to him ?	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:07 that is his msg, so you can call if you want , he is much closer	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:06 	Give him my cell number, 608-780-9875, happy to do a quick call and see if we can get him going	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:05 I just changed my setting to 2nd, but have not seeing him yet.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 04:04 do you see him yet ?	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:04 Thank you again!	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 04:03 en43 ks	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 04:02 KA9FOX turing your way, you should see him shortly	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:58 RR MSK will be easier than tropo in your setup	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:58 Thank you for your patience and guidance.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:57 ka9fox  en44 CALLING CQ ON 1ST LOOK HIS WAY , MUCH CLOSER	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:56 Height from soil/earth ground: 30 feet	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:54 Horizontal Height: 20 feet, located on a second floor.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:52 antenna height ? flat and horizontal ?	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:51 LMR400, length 15 ft	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:50 cable type and length to antenna ?	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:49 Power: 100 w	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:49 Elk Antenna 2M/440L5 Dual-Band	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:47 Yes, the darker sector move locations with each scan.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:47 not seeing you, what is power and antenna ?	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:46 Are you able to decode me? I am CQ'ing.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:45 are you seeing anything on your fast graph lika a change in color or shades	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:43 Yes, it fluctuates between 50 and 60.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:42 bottom	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:42 ok bootm left audio should be green between 20 to 60	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:41 I am -4 at EN44 so should be a decent signal to you	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:41 I just changed the Tol to 200	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:40 I just clicked Tx Even 1st. I had changed it.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:40 make tol 200 rx 1500 t/r 15 s	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:40 Yes, all those are the setting I have.	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:39 I am txing 2nd so you want to clcik tx even 1st	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:39 you should be on 144.150 usb, horiz polar and in msk mode	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
13Aug 03:38 AA9MY: Thank you! I am here	(KD0LIM Leo MN EN34fu )
13Aug 03:38 We can go back and forth here without bother to others	(AA9MY Bob IL EN50fm )
15Mar 18:38 Still no audio here on linux. OK on MacOS though.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:36 Steve, i'm still hanging around if you'd like to try.	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:30 I'll send you some suggestions, Steve.	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:29 I'll investigate and let you know what I find out.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:29 I look forward to seeing some of your .wav files with SFox signals	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:29 I fixed the backslash issue in one place - in decode.f90. 	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:28 Many thanks, everyone!  	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:27 Maybe it's the \  vs / issue when it's executed?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:27 My audio files are more or less useless. Unfortunately I didn't save audio files for my 1st QSO with W2PU. And for the 2nd with K9AN I was the SuperFox, so I only received FT8.	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:26 It runs OK from the command line - at least I get the help text...	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:26 Maybe something wrong with sftx in linux?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:25 were the execute bits still set after the sfoxtx was cp'd?	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:23 I am using Linux here. Maybe something specific to Linux? Dunno.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:22 The rig is keyed, but no audio	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:22 No - I still haven't been able to get any audio out in SuperFox mode.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )

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