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15Mar 18:38 Still no audio here on linux. OK on MacOS though.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:36 Steve, i'm still hanging around if you'd like to try.	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:30 I'll send you some suggestions, Steve.	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:29 I'll investigate and let you know what I find out.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:29 I look forward to seeing some of your .wav files with SFox signals	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:29 I fixed the backslash issue in one place - in decode.f90. 	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:28 Many thanks, everyone!  	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:27 Maybe it's the \  vs / issue when it's executed?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:27 My audio files are more or less useless. Unfortunately I didn't save audio files for my 1st QSO with W2PU. And for the 2nd with K9AN I was the SuperFox, so I only received FT8.	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:26 It runs OK from the command line - at least I get the help text...	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:26 Maybe something wrong with sftx in linux?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:25 were the execute bits still set after the sfoxtx was cp'd?	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:23 I am using Linux here. Maybe something specific to Linux? Dunno.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:22 The rig is keyed, but no audio	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:22 No - I still haven't been able to get any audio out in SuperFox mode.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:20 Steve, were you able to TX as fox?	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:19 Just trying to see if a Hound might know there is a Fox on this channel...that's all 	(AA7A/2M Ned AZ DM43ll )
15Mar 18:19 ... but a very good start.	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:19 I see your signal on the waterfall. Do not have the correct app here yet to decode	(AA7A/2M Ned AZ DM43ll )
15Mar 18:18 Yes, that was fun!  Lots of work still to do, 	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:18 Hi Ned.	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:18 ned, were you able to copy?	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:17 that was fun~	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:17 Cool	(AA7A/2M Ned AZ DM43ll )
15Mar 18:16 I am on 14.112 superfox 	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:16 Nice to work Steve. 	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:16 Good copy on Brian here. 	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:16 Yes, so far all has been working well here.	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:16 Is Brian sending using SuperFox? I do not have the test app compiled here. Just seeing what the signal looks like on the spectrum display here	(AA7A/2M Ned AZ DM43ll )
15Mar 18:16 Let's share all *.wav files from even seq with SFox signals/	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:16 100w & vertical	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87vq )
15Mar 18:15 Iguess we have enough, for a first go?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:14 Steve is loud.  Not seeing Brian	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:14 181430 -15  0.2  748    K9AN N9ADG RR73	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:13 Somebody needs to work Brian	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:13 Listening for Brian.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:12 Yes, I completed with Uwe - no problem.	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:12 Go ahead, Brian	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:11 Steve, did you complete with Uwe?	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:11 The higher HF bands are already closing here. Too early in the year.	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:11 LMK when to tx.	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87ll )
15Mar 18:10 180930 -15  0.1  750    CQ DG2YCB JO42     Germany 181000 -15  0.1  750    CQ DG2YCB JO42     Germany	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:10 We can do that	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:09 woudl be nice to decode sfox and regular at same time.	(N9ADG Brian WA CN87ll )
15Mar 18:09 FB QSO Uwe	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:09 K9AN DG2YCB RR73	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:08 180830 -15  0.1  753    K9AN DG2YCB -14	(W2PU Joe NJ FN20qi )
15Mar 18:08 K9AN DG2YCB -14	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )
15Mar 18:08 180730 -15  0.1  750    CQ DG2YCB JO42     Germany	(K9AN Steve IL EN50wc )
15Mar 18:08 No incoming signals yet.	(DG2YCB Uwe xx JO42gb )

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