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21Jan 04:19 KEN TNX 73	(W4IMD Peter GA EM84ab )
20Jan 14:01 HUGH TNX 73	(W4IMD Peter GA EM84ab )
20Jan 13:36 Saw ur 73 as soon as I sent the previous text LOL	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
20Jan 13:35 K3SWZ Glenn r u still on 260?	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
20Jan 13:33 TX3 to you on 260	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
20Jan 13:32 Wz1v 	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 13:32 just worked Ron on cw on 145	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 13:32  R R  for sure...  Cure wasto get out the key and get on CW!	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 13:32 Glad we're on MSK then!	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
20Jan 13:31 R R Dale  -- one of my buddies told me that...	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 13:31 K3SWZ LOL!	(WA4CQG/6/2 Dale AL EM72fo )
20Jan 13:31 WE have 8 in. on the ground and cold here.. Doesn't look like any wind	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 13:30 Yes, magic drugs are doing the job.   ER doc said it was over exposure to FT8!	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 13:29 Hope you doing better cold as hell here today  -0	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 13:28 Actually got Pnemonia so feeling a little rough around the edges. Wss in ER SAt. night	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 13:27 ha	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 13:27 GM LLarry  ---  thought the antnenna fell down!   TU	(K3SWZ Glenn PA FN10ne )
20Jan 12:58 tnx Ray	(KA1W Dave CT FN31ki )
20Jan 12:28 it took a lot of years to atch me but that one did	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 12:27 K0TPP  Body shops do a lot of that kind of fix here.  They are all over the place.  73	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 12:26 73 Ray; hold the door, right behind ya. 73 all	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 12:26 put trunck in shop drop off yesterday fix my Deer dent	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 12:25 I think Im going to watch John shovel his drive.  73 all.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:52 KA1W  Tnx Dave.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:46 GM John.  Sounds like fun.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:46 GM Folks. Gotta do some shoveling & early Dr, Appt	(WA2FZW/6M/2M John NJ FN20tp )
20Jan 11:46 KA1W  GM Dave	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:40 That makes sense.  There was quite a bit of E's around.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:39 i guess it was a small e link	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:38 Just looked at my all.TXT file and nothing there.  Interesting.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:36 spot light progation	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:36 K0TPP  I was on and looking that way and never heard him.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:36 he was cqing for 20 min nobody heard him	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:35	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:35 W9VHF Ray, one hr before contest started	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:34 112545  12  4.1 1451 &  KD9VV KC3BVL FM29  Just this one ten minutes  ago.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:34 Well; if  work anyone they will have to be east of me. No turning antennas for a few days	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 11:33 i saw 3 decodes mabe he stoped	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:32 K0TPP: GM Larry, haven't heard anyone yet	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 11:30 112915   8  2.4 1454 &  KD9VV KC3BVL FM29	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry mo EM48ll )
20Jan 11:29 But the coffee is done :-)	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:29 Warmer here...+2F LOL	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 11:28 GM Pete.  0 degrees here.	(W9VHF Ray IN EN71lf )
20Jan 11:28 GM Ray...Brrr!	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 11:27 GM	(NS4T/6/2/432 Pat GA EM73si )
20Jan 11:26	(K0TPP/2/6/222 Larry MO EM48rk )
20Jan 11:24 too cold for anything else	(NJ9R/2M/KW Relu IL EN62bf )
20Jan 11:20 been testing some soundcards...	(NJ9R/2M/KW Relu IL EN62bf )
20Jan 11:20 GM Rick	(KD9VV Pete IN EN71ib )
20Jan 11:16 GM	(W5EME/6/2/222 Rick La EM32ai )

This service is to be used only for the purposes of discussing matters related to amateur radio meteor scatter communications.

Any non-meteor scatter use is strictly prohibited.

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